About US
Reader Beware: The Beginning
Reader Beware was started in 2021 by Lark Rodenbush and DS Oswald as an on-campus literary zine at Emerson College. We had a simple goal in mind: we wanted to publish the type of stories that the "literary fiction" magazines on campus would reject. The pulp, the gore, the shlock, the unapologetically indulgent. As horror fans and horror writers ourselves, we wanted to provide a publication that appreciated the horror normally seen as "less than." As a team of two, we started small: we put up a few posters around campus and waited for submissions. And after a successful first issue, we decided to make Reader Beware a yearly publication! We graduated in May of 2022 and published our last on-campus-only issue of Reader Beware in July. In 2023, we made the jump to accepting submissions from the general public.
-Lark Rodenbush, Co-Founder
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